Website Development Services


Design & Development
Great for those who need a new or updated website without support for content marketing or SEO.
Discovery questionnaire and meeting
Tailored content guide
Foundational design (1 page) and two revision sessions
WordPress development
Up to 7 pages and blog
Lead capture and thank you page
Integrate with marketing and analytics tools
Live revision session
How-to guide
Training session
14 days support

Design, Development & Light Strategy
Great for those who need a new or updated website and guidance for content marketing and SEO.
Discovery questionnaire and meeting
Web assessment, content inventory, and audit
Preliminary keyword research
Website structure and SEO content recommendations
Tailored content guide
Content review and refinement
Foundational design (2 page) and two revision sessions
WordPress development
Up to 7 pages and blog
Lead capture and thank you page
Integrate with marketing and analytics tools
Live revision session
How-to guide
Training session
Post-launch SEO audit
14 days support

Design, Development & Deep Strategy
Great for those who need a new or updated website with deep content marketing and SEO strategy.
Discovery questionnaire and meeting
Buyer persona and journey
Web assessment, content inventory, and audit
Preliminary keyword research
Competitor keyword research
Website structure and SEO content recommendations
Tailored content guide
Content review and refinement
Foundational design (2 page) and two revision sessions
Deep content marketing keyword research
Content marketing strategy, editorial calendar, and timeline
Outline for SEO-optimized blog post
Content marketing plan review
WordPress development
Up to 7 pages and blog
Lead capture and thank you page
Integrate with marketing and analytics tools
Live revision session
How-to guide
Training session
Post-launch SEO audit
14 days support